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On this website I'm writing my remarks about internet technologies, functional programming, mathematics and theoretical computer science and ocasionally also politics.

I've built this website as an experiment, to gather my social activity on the internet. I believe that the internet should be inhabited by many small independent websites which communicate among themselves, as opposed to one or two omnipresent platforms like Facebook or Twitter that manage all our activity for us but also take away our freedoms. Chris Aldrich wrote a nice article about it here.

You can subscribe to my website by using any old or new RSS/Atom or JSONfeed reader, links are at the top of the microposts and posts pages. I use a fairly simple protocol and internet W3 standard called Webmentions for communication with other websites in the IndieWeb community (but it works with some Wordpress websites too!).

How does this website get updated? Typically I write new posts, like or bookmark in either Indigenous, Micropublish or Quill. Once I save, the content is sent to my Github repository via (an old version of) Indiekit. Afterwords, Netlify is notified, which then builds and serves the website. Works like charm ;-)

I don't want to write a tutorial on how to do it, there is a plenty of good resources out there. If you also want to try out integrating some IndieWeb ideas on your website, the good place to start is indiewebify. One tip: start slowly, only build the basic functionality first, see how you like it and only after some time add some more.

This website is intentionally lightweight (in fact, it's less than 512 kB and also less than 250 kB).

Useful references

PS: Now that Heroku closed their free service, I'm using a small command line script to help me quickly write and publish new posts, instead of using Indiekit. It's not bad but Indiekit is so much more cool. I hope to have it restored soon. :-)

Responses (?)

JavaScript needs to be enabled to show responses. (Although, it is not necessary for posting them.)

Indieweb interactions: Like/Reshare/Reply/Bookmark with Quill or Like/Reshare/Reply/Bookmark with Micropublish.